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Hello guyes, Today i learn to you How to make a bootable pendrive in windows 7 and Easily windows 7 setup step by step Bangla Tutorial. At first insert your pendrive your pc usb port, then restart the computer. Now just press 3 key( Ctrl+Alt+Delete btn) you see boot device then continuing see my video step by step.
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Download Corona Test Report
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corona test report download link: https://covid19reports.dghs.gov.bd
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How to find Caller Identification with location Eyecon Bangla Tutorial
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National ID (NID ) Card Bangladesh Online. Voter Registration Progress, NID BD download online.
NID BD Website Link: http://www.nidw.gov.bd/ NID
Registration Link: https://services.nidw.gov.bd/voter_ce...
The National Identity Card (Bengali: জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্র) or NID card is a compulsory identity document issued to every Bangladeshi citizen upon turning 18 years of age. The NID is a government issued photo ID just like the Bangladeshi Driver's licence, which is also a biometric, microchip embedded, smart identity card. The NID is required by Bangladeshi citizens for multiple essential public services, such as obtaining utility connections, as well as private services, such as opening bank accounts, in Bangladesh. Initially paper based laminated NID cards were issued since 2006. Then the paper based laminated NID cards were replaced by biometric and microchip embedded Smart NID cards for all adult citizens in Bangladesh from 2016 onwards. This was done to ensure security for the card holder as well as prevent counterfeiting and fraudulence. The government provides the Smart NID card free of charge to all adult citizens of Bangladesh.
Smart National Identity Card
The National Identity Registration Wing (NIDW) of the Bangladesh Election Commission introduced the Smart National Identity Card in October 2016.[6] This card has an integrated circuit embedded in it and it is also known as a "chip-based card" or "smart NID card" in Bangladesh. It is a pocket sized plastic card, almost the size of a credit card, with the embedded integrated circuit storing all the data. To maintain the security of the smart card, twenty-five international certifications and standards have been ensured. Since they are machine readable cards, the smart cards have additional safety measures to prevent forgery. The card holders currently receive twenty-two different types of services including banking, electronic Tax Identification Number (e-TIN), driving license, passport, etc.
Key facilities
The following facilities and services are available to citizens with the Bangladeshi smart NID card:
Citizens' rights and benefits
National identity
Driving license
Property land buying and selling
Open Bangladeshi bank accounts
Account Check
Bank loan support
Government pensions
Government financial aid or support
BIN facility
Share-BO account maintainers
Business trade license
Vehicle registration
Insurance schemes
Marriage registration
Gas and electricity connections
Mobile connect
Health cards
Bank transactions
Students' admission facilities
Updating the list of eligible voters is an ongoing process under the election commission.[8] Bangladeshi citizens who have frequently lived in an area and are 18 years or above, but not yet registered as a voter, may register. At the time of enrollment they need following supporting documents in addition to the application form:
SSC or equivalent certificate
Birth certificate
Passport, driving license, or TIN certificate
Utility bill copy, house rent receipt, or holding tax receipt (as proof of address)
Citizenship certificate (as applicable)
Father, mother, husband, or wife's NID bd photocopy
Recent Color photo with white background.
National ID (NID ) Card Bangladesh Online. Voter Registration Progress, NID BD download online.
NID BD Website Link: http://www.nidw.gov.bd/ NID
Registration Link: https://services.nidw.gov.bd/voter_ce...
স্বাগতম!! এই ওয়েবসাইটের মাধ্যমে আপনি নতুন ভোটার হিসাবে নিবন্ধন এবং পুরাতন ভোটার হিসাবে আপনার তথ্য হালনাগাদ করতে পারবেন।
কীভাবে বাংলাদেশের ভোটার আইডি কার্ড অনলাইন কপি ডাউনলোড করবেন বাংলা টিউটোরিয়াল
Facebook authorities have been informed that if you enter a comment in the @[4:0] without space changing it, then Mark Zuckerberg will come to know that your Facebook ID has not been hacked once, and if the text does not appear then your Facebook ID will be hacked.
কীভাবে ফেসবুক আইডি হ্যাক হয়েছে কিনা চেক করবেন বাংলা টিউটোরিয়াল
ফেইসবুক কর্তৃপক্ষ থেকে জানানো হয়েছে যে আপনি যদি কমেন্ট এ @[4:0] যে কোনো space না দিয়ে লেখেন যদি সেটা পরিবর্তিত হয়ে Mark Zuckerberg আসে তাহলে বুঝবেন আপনার Facebook ID একবারও হ্যাক হয়নি, আর যদি লেখাটা না আসে তাহলে বুঝবেন আপনার Facebook ID হ্যাক হয়েছে I
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Truecaller: The world's best Caller ID & Spam Blocking app
Truecaller is a smartphone application which has features of caller-identification, call-blocking, flash-messaging, call-recording, Chat & Voice which uses the internet. The service requires users to provide a standard cellular mobile number for registering with the service.
Operating system: Android, BlackBerry OS, iOS, Series 40, Symbian, Tizen, BlackBerry 10, and Windows Phone
Available in: English Language
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#truecaller #arr_solutions_technology #caller_id #bangla_tutorial
How To Download Movies for Free on Android Phone? - This video will demonstrate you how to download or watch movies for free on android phone / tablet by using a simple technique.
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By using this application, we can easily search and download our favorite movie right into our android device.
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#How_to #Download_Hollywood_Movies #ARR_Solutions_Technology #Mobile_Phones #Bangla_Tutorial
TP Link Router Configuration
This document describes the process of configuring a TP Link router.
Basic Setup
1. Use an Ethernet cable to attach a modem or active data jack to the blue Ethernet port on your TP Link router.
2. Plug in the router and power on using the Power On/Off switch on the back of the device.
3. Connect to the wireless network broadcasted by the router. The default SSID and WPA2 key are printed on the bottom of the device.
4. In your web browser, navigate to tplinkwifi.net.
5. Enter the default user name and password, which are both "admin". Click Login.
6. The center panel when you log in is labeled Quick Setup. Click Next to get started.
7. In the Wireless Network Name field, type the SSID that you want to use with your wireless network. Keep in mind that nearby computers can see your SSID. Don't use personal information or information about what type of router you have.
8. In the WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK field, type the password that you want to use with your wireless network. Make sure you use a strong password that would be difficult for others to guess.
9. Click Next.
10. Click Finish.
11. You will now be disconnected from your wireless network. Sign in using your new SSID and password.
Your Wireless network is now set up!
Your Wireless network is now set up!#wifi_router_configure #TP_link #ARR_Solutions_Technology
In this video I’m going to show you how to get more views on YouTube videos using share youtube videos by imo messenger Bangla Tutorial.
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কিভাবে Subscriber Hide করবেন?
How many subscribers do you have? It's the first question you are often asked. But what if you would rather not say how many subscribers you have? Well this is how to hide your YouTube subscribers in 2019.
But is that such a good idea? Subscriber counts are shown by default so to hide it would, obviously, suggest you might have something to hide and what are you hiding?
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Are you adding YouTube End screens to all your YouTube videos? If not, you are missing out on a lot of potential views.
In 2019, YouTube studio changed and adding end screens changed with it. In order to add end screens to your YouTube videos, you have to use the YouTube editor. In this video, I'll show you how to do that and the best way to optimize your end screens for clicks.
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How to Blur faces on Youtube Editor - Bangla Tutorial
Learn how to blur faces about this video.
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